CTG is releasing version 3.0 of our famous basketball training notebook.
Over the course of the two years, I have had all my CTG students complete a productivity notebook as homework before each workout. This means a student would write down what they do productively and non-productively EVERY single day of the week. This goes for ALL aspects of life, NOT just what they do for basketball. What this helped me and the students realize was what they were wasting time on, and what they could do better to get closer to achieving their goals. This also allowed them to measure their goals, strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.
With our new notebook, we have many similar concepts that have been innovated to instill the right mindset needed to improve. Self-reflection is the key to improvement. This notebook is the blueprint for improving your basketball game.
This notebook also goes far beyond basketball and can change ANY type of person for the better. All of these principles can be applied to anything you are trying to improve in your life, not just basketball.
I have now officially put it all together designed specifically for maximum productivity, measurement, efficiency, and performance. This notebook will last you three months! It consists of missions, even if activities, workout plans, motivation, daily self-reflection logs, learning journals, unique abilities, strengths, weaknesses, and most importantly, priorities. I truly believe if you gave this notebook a shot, you would see a dramatic increase in your overall outlook on your life. Change your life. Become addicted to work ethic. Become productive. Become efficient. Become your best self. Achieve your dreams. Do the impossible.
-Coach Jack